Saturday, 18 October 2014

Image Slider In Liferay

ce login as Admin go to Admin >> Site Administration
Once you go to Site Administration select Content Panel there you can click on web content
Create Structure
In the web content top navigation Manu you can see manage option menu there you can select 
structure link as follows
Once click on Structures then window pop up will be launch there you can enter your structure name and description
The following is Structure Creation Screen
In the bottom of pop up window you can see User Interface Design to Design Structure as follows
We have many controls so we can use all elements and we can design. Now we already have code for Image Slide show Structure so you simply click on source and in editor use following source code.
<root available-locales="en_US" default-locale="en_US">
<dynamic-element dataType="image" fieldNamespace="wcm" indexType="keyword" name="images" readOnly="false" repeatable="true" required="false" showLabel="true" type="wcm-image" width="">
<dynamic-element dataType="link-to-page" fieldNamespace="ddm" indexType="keyword" name="imagelink" readOnly="false" repeatable="false" required="false" showLabel="true" type="ddm-link-to-page" width="small">
<meta-data locale="en_US">
<entry name="label">
<![CDATA[Link to Page]]>
<entry name="predefinedValue">
<entry name="tip">
<meta-data locale="en_US">
<entry name="label">
<entry name="predefinedValue">
<entry name="tip">
<dynamic-element dataType="number" fieldNamespace="ddm" indexType="keyword" name="containerwidth" readOnly="false" repeatable="false" required="false" showLabel="true" type="ddm-number" width="small">
<meta-data locale="en_US">
<entry name="label">
<![CDATA[Container Width]]>
<entry name="predefinedValue">
<entry name="tip">
<dynamic-element dataType="number" fieldNamespace="ddm" indexType="keyword" name="containerhight" readOnly="false" repeatable="false" required="false" showLabel="true" type="ddm-number" width="small">
<meta-data locale="en_US">
<entry name="label">
<![CDATA[Container Hight]]>
<entry name="predefinedValue">
<entry name="tip">
<dynamic-element dataType="number" fieldNamespace="ddm" indexType="keyword" name="intervaltime" readOnly="false" repeatable="false" required="false" showLabel="true" type="ddm-number" width="small">
<meta-data locale="en_US">
<entry name="label">
<![CDATA[Interval Time]]>
<entry name="predefinedValue">
<entry name="tip">
The following screen after use source in editor
The following is Graphical view of Structure
Finally click on save button then your structure will be created
Finally close pop up window and go back to Web content Manage Screen
Create Template and associate with Respective Structure
Now we need create template and it will use above created structure. In the web content screen top navigation goes manage option menu there you can findTemplates Link
Once we click on template then pop window will be open there we can see +Add to create new template.
Now we need to fill the name and description along with that we need select respective structure. In our case we already create structure i.e. Image Slide Show Structure we need to select that.
We already know we are using free market template so we need to select Language as Free Marker (ftl) and its default language, apart from that we can use velocity and XSLT
In the bottom of pop up you can see Template editor and its respective Structure variables /fields and other available variables was shown in left side.
In the structure we have used some fields all fields you can see left side as follows
We already have Free Marker Template code for Image Slide Show please use following code in Editor and save then template will be created.
AUI({ filter: 'raw' }).use('aui-carousel', function(A) {
new A.Carousel({
contentBox: '#myCarousel',
<#if images.getSiblings()?has_content>
<div id="myCarousel">
<#list images.getSiblings() as cur_images>
<#if cur_images_index==0>
<a href="${cur_images.imagelink.getData()}">
<div class="carousel-item" style="background: url(${cur_images.getData()})width:${containerwidth.getData()}px; height:${containerhight.getData()}px;" class="carousel-item carousel-item-active";">
<a href="${cur_images.imagelink.getData()}"> <div class="carousel-item" style="background: url(${cur_images.getData()});width:${containerwidth.getData()}px; height:${containerhight.getData()}px;" class="carousel-item""></div></a>

In the Template Design we use html and AUI Script to design template. And we will use stricture variable or fields to fill with dynamic content. These all design was made using Free Market Templates (FTL)
However use above template code in editor and finally save it then template will be create and it will be associated with one structure that is we created previously.
When we click in fields and variables in left side those will be added in the editor automatically where your cursor point in the editor. Templates editor is every flexible to code or design free marker templates in editor.
Each template should be associated with one structure and based in structure we need to code free market template to use structure variables and based on template design we will get input elements to design web content with dynamic data.
The following free marker template code in editor

Now finally save then your template will be created and it will be in the templates list as follows.
Now close pop up window and go back to web content screen.
Create web content by using Template
Well we are ready with Template and Structure and we will create web content using above template.
In the web content screen you can see +Add button option menu in the top navigation there you can see newly created template name that is Image Slide Show Template
Now you will get web content creation screen with selected template. We need to fill name for web content.
Based on template we need to fill the content and in our scenario we are using images element as repeatable so we can add more images by click + icon apposite to images file input element.
And we are using Height, Width and Interval we need to fill those values and it should be numbers and we can also select hyper link for each image
Once we fill the content in the web content template finally click on publish button then content will be available to use and it will be shown in web content list.
Using Web Content
We have done all steps now the content will be available to use. We will use web content display portlet to display web content in the pages.
Navigate to desirable page where you simply drag and drop web content display portlet in the page.
In the admin mode you can see left side + Icon click on the you can get the toggle there in the applications tab you can select Web content Display Portlet simply click on Add Link then blank web content display portlet will be added to page.
In the blank web content display portlet you can see toggle control in the bottom.
You can click on Select Web content there you can see list of web content articles.


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